Ynetnews, A Leviathan Shadow Subsidiary

Update 2020.12.07: Ynetnews refused to post the following comment to their Leviathan-agenda article today, “Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud” (though they may after I post this, to assuage suspicions): Your headline is like headlining “Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ron Goldman Weren’t Murdered”. Barr did NOT say “no widespread election fraud”!…

Iranian Nuke-Wonk Assassination & Mr. Biden’s Direction

This past week, the media was still referring to “Mr.” Trump; still refusing to acknowledge him as “Pres.” Trump. If Republicans fail to retaliate against “Mr.” Biden similarly, his full term(s), then responsible American citizens (in contrast to illegal alien voters and mushrooms) will be accelerating their own demise as the voting population, not being…

Biden Next U.S. President

Barukh ha-Sheim b’khol mikreh I advocate for Truth (i.e. science-grounded reality) and Justice; i.e. our Creator (Yᵊhoshua 24.15), not any mortal. That, not Trump, pits me against the Democrat liberal-socialist, increasingly miso-Judaic agenda in America. So I take no glee in noting that at 1411 Israel time today I advised my wife, and minutes later…

America: Dump Trump – Become A North-Mexico Arm Of Super-Government

The same Iranian & Afghani-drug & trafficking funded coalition of drug and trafficking cartels, gangs & Muslim terrorist organizations that has already overrun and taken effective control in Mexico and many other governments around the world (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, etc.) has swallowed the American Democrat party whole–funding & logistics of increasing anarchist…

Facebook, Twitter, et al.: The Following Was Censored As Relative “Hate Speech”

They say “hate speech” but what they covertly hide is that they long ago embraced relativism: “truth” is relative, subject to, their cultural, religious and political beliefs. Thus, the popular definition of “hate speech”, substitutes their “approved” relative-“fact” checking to bury hard evidence and indisputable logic, in order to justify silencing speech that contradicts their…

Trump’s Vision = Paqid Yirmeyahu’s 1986 Plan

What a surprise to discover that the Trump team conclusions perfectly reproduces the plan I’ve been advocating—Concurrent Village Network of (sans the tunnels) non-contiguous, demilitarized, semi-autonomous, Arab Muslim-Jihadist protectorate enclaves comprising Areas A and B—that I’ve advocated in various Israeli newspaper and other posts for more than 30 years as the only realistic and viable…

Democrat Pres. Candidates On Border Issue Abet Slavery, Drugs & Child Sex Traffickers

For decades, I’ve been searching for someone who is a true expert on the Child sex trafficking industry. Police vice officers deal principally with jailing prostitutes and, occasionally if they’re lucky, a pimp. The cartel operating the industry generally rolls right along with impunity. Almost no one knows how to protect children from being sucked…

“The Hunt”—Hollywood Liberals’ Criminal Incitement To Mass Killings

Liberal Democrats are intent on doxing and shaming Conservatives for upholding the law. But, just when Trump offers a glimpse of winning back parity, Conservatives are sheepishly reverting back to their submissive, all-forgiving, spineless punching-bag-for-Liberal-Democrats persona; asleep at the switch when it comes to doxing and shaming those responsible for subverting the law. Take, for…

El Paso Shooter’s Manifesto — Scrubbed From The Net By Dem Anti-Trump Media?

Dems and their sympathizers who are perverting the facts in order to blame Trump are proven liars by the manifesto of the El Paso shooter. If such fluffs had simply taken the trouble to inform themselves by reading his manifesto, he clearly answers that question, which he foresaw that the chattering class would raise. Typical,…

Vices Dilemma—Safety & Money To Gov’t? Or To Criminals & Terrorists?

Self-destructive vices limited to consenting adults poses a dilemma. Illegalizing a vice doesn’t make it magically disappear as humanzees assume. Rather, driven by unrivaled profits, illegalizing a vice merely diverts income and responsibility for safety standards to criminal cartels and terrorist organizations. I’m against the vices. Cannabis, for example, while many may view it as…

US Dim Reps Omar & Tlaib Hidden Agenda: “Anti-Semites”?

Dim Reps Ilhan Omar (MN) & Rashida Tlaib (MI) aren’t simple Socialist Dimocrats like AOC, et al. They have a common agenda: Omar and Tlaib are ultimately Islamists willing to throw fellow Dim Americans, along with GOP Americans, under the bus to promote the status and power of Islam. Omar has flatly Tweeted so! Check…

Religion: Out of the Dark Ages Into Real-World Light

Latest Update (correction/clarification) 2019.02.14 Why? The Answer! I read and contemplate, therefore I exist as a sentient. My 5 senses perceive external influences upon me. Since nothing in my perceived universe exists without a cause, there is an Extra-universe Prime Cause; a Creator-Singularity, of both me and my perceived universe. This Extra-universe Prime Cause is…

Without Exception, Israel Must Exact Prohibitive Price For Border Violations

“Thwarting” tunnel incursions provides no deterrence against continued tunneling efforts by Jihadists. That’s an invitation to our enemies to continue pursuing their violations of our borders at a minimal price – or no cost at all! Border intrusions by Jihadist terrorists via tunnels underground are no less a border violation than border intrusions by Jihadist…

Lieberman Resignation

What we know Israel’s response to Gaza border riots & missile attacks was puny and feckless Netanyahu lied to Israelis, reporting fake news about unanimity to cover up some questionable secret strategy hope. Questions Remaining Unanswered Why did IDF & Netanyahu Wimp-out abandoning Israelis in the south under siege to a return of border rioters,…

Israeli Jews News Re: Pittsburgh miso-Judaic Massacre

Israel National News (Arutz Sheva) Reports Pittsburgh Jewish Community Blames & Repulses Pres. Trump The Pittsburgh Jewish community, being first and foremost anti-Trump Democrats, harp the Democrat socialist line – blaming Trump for the hate massacre. “A number of officials in the Pittsburgh Jewish community wrote an open letter to US President Donald Trump asking…

Torah-centric Egalitarian Pluralism In Israel

Ratio: Israeli Reform Jews : Israeli Kha•reid•imꞋ “There’s a gnawing hunger among the great moderate majority of Israeli Jews for a Tōr•âhꞋ-centric, RabꞋi Hi•leilꞋ–Ram•ba”mꞋ egalitarian pluralism around which to orbit. So, eight percent of Jewish Israelis identify with the Reform movement, five percent with Conservative. That’s 13%, that’s 800,000 people named in the study –…

Trump’s Peace Plan: Not As Suggested!

I, and the nation of Yisraeil, will always be grateful to Pres. Trump for his unparalleled support of Yisraeil, most notably in moving the U.S. Embassy to Yᵊrushalayim. Pres. Trump is guaranteed a perpetual place in Judaic history for his courageous and historical act of truly Biblical proportions. Nevertheless, I remain logical – pragmatic and…