Iranian Nuke-Wonk Assassination & Mr. Biden’s Direction

This past week, the media was still referring to “Mr.” Trump; still refusing to acknowledge him as “Pres.” Trump. If Republicans fail to retaliate against “Mr.” Biden similarly, his full term(s), then responsible American citizens (in contrast to illegal alien voters and mushrooms) will be accelerating their own demise as the voting population, not being told anything different, will be persuaded that Pres. Trump was never a legitimate president and that Mr. Biden is. The issue, and consequent America as it was founded, will have been lost by concession.

In the wake of the assassination of Iran’s IRGC “Qūds (Yᵊru•shâ•layim) Force” head Nuke-wonk, Iran’s Supreme Leader has again blared his turkey-call of American “global arrogance” to the world. Once Iran can sell the notion that America is “globally arrogant”, then the universally expected response to arrogance, which Obama servilely fawned to his Islamic masters—and you can count on Biden & his administration aping, is dhimmi ذمي, ''protected''; a non-Muslim, paying a special ''jizya'' tax (financial coercion to eventual conversion)—in addition to loyalty to the state—for legal protection (not extending to evangelism), required to live in an Islamic land. “humility” (read “servitude” to Islam). The Leviathan (aka “Swamp Monster” or Dark State) is ba-a-ack.

Thus, the Iranian Supreme Leader blares his turkey-call, extending justification for their “Useful Kūph•ârꞋ “,☪ كفّار, infidels. See in the ''Leviathan'' entry: everyone who refuses to convert to Islam (presuming that the entire non-Islamic world is yet-unconquered, sovereign Islamic land); lit. ''coverers'' [of the Islamic version of ''truth'']; pl. of kâphᵊr Middle East Forum to return to “humility”; foisting an attitude of “humility” (read “servitude”) on American policy. This was Obama’s response, and, just as the Supreme Leader is repeating his same turkey-call, Biden and his administration will rerun the same dhimmi ذمي, ''protected''; a non-Muslim, paying a special ''jizya'' tax (financial coercion to eventual conversion)—in addition to loyalty to the state—for legal protection (not extending to evangelism), required to live in an Islamic land. “humility”, fawning before Leviathan tentacles in the UN, the EU and even extending internally into the “Swamp” Dark State in the US.

Since Biden & the Democrats have been beguiled into witless “Useful Kūph•ârꞋ “,☪ كفّار, infidels. See in the ''Leviathan'' entry: everyone who refuses to convert to Islam (presuming that the entire non-Islamic world is yet-unconquered, sovereign Islamic land); lit. ''coverers'' [of the Islamic version of ''truth'']; pl. of kâphᵊr Middle East Forum the Democrat administration will make nice-nice with the Leviathan, making another deal beneficial to Iranian nuclear and hegemonistic aspirations, his administration will find no justification for maintaining such an expensive military.

Every moment since the 1940s,Roots of Obamas Social Revolution America has been facing a rising tide of socialism in the American education system from kindergarten through post-doc grad studies–particularly in the field of media and faux-“journalism”. This Leviathan has mutated several times during the interim, briefly toward communism in the McCarthy-Orwellian era, then back toward socialism in the Reagan-Khruschev era.Khruschev quote

More recently, this Leviathan has increasingly come under the reins of a form of socialism that has created ways to partner with international criminal consortiums that are willing to cooperate with Shia Islam terrorism for their mutual wealth; generating drug growers and labs & drug and human (sympathetic voter populations) trafficking, money laundering, subverting opposition from law enforcement and governments, political extortion, violently controlling and directing protests into violent rioting and looting, etc. While still limited to an undercurrent Dark State “Swamp”, it’s becoming increasingly universally pervasive. Failure to stand against it ensures its eventual victory.

The Leviathan almost got Hilary elected. According to 2020.02.26 Yale & MIT research, there are today 22.1 million illegal aliens (not immigrants, who are legal and desirable) in the US.2020.02.26 Yale & MIT research Every illegal alien is a non-citizen, not legally entitled to vote, indebted to illegal help from foreign interests and socialist Democrats; i.e. a significant (fraudulent) Democrat voter bloc! These were vigorously solicited by the Democrat machine in the 2020 presidential election—with multiple ballots to each. Think of the staggering numbers they’re capable of: if only 80% vote 100 ballots each, they have the potential to generate more than 1.5 billion votes!!! Of course, that would draw obvious attention to fraudulence. But the sudden shifts in swing states in this last election would be a proverbial drop in the bucket of what they are capable of. It appears the Leviathan has worked out enough of the kinks to finally pad the American election and elect their beguiled witless Democrat “Useful Kūph•ârꞋ “,☪ كفّار, infidels. See in the ''Leviathan'' entry: everyone who refuses to convert to Islam (presuming that the entire non-Islamic world is yet-unconquered, sovereign Islamic land); lit. ''coverers'' [of the Islamic version of ''truth'']; pl. of kâphᵊr Middle East Forum (Biden & Co.) as U.S. President!

If Biden had been elected by the majority of American citizens, I’d say that democracies elect what they deserve and deserve what they elect. But I believe this was the biggest fraud perpetuated in the history of the world. And they aren’t done!

Pay it forward! Teach your friends!

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