American Politics: Us vs Them, Hate & Bullying

Reader: in the following paragraph, you are “we” and “us.” Your political rivals are “them” and “they.” This works for every reader, no matter your political or religious persuasion.

They are spouting hate and inciting violence. Therefore, we have the right to shut down their hate-speech, including breaking the law to get it done.

Since this works for both sides, it becomes clear that each side, us and them, define for ourselves (themselves) what is hate, what is inciting violence, what is bullying and what means are justified to defeat them.

Both sides are wrong here. The court decides these issues and us and them BOTH must abide by the courts’ decision on these matters.

Clearly, one side is depriving the other of their 1st Amendment Constitutional right to free speech.

But which side is criminal, defining the other side as the victim? Equating the criminal with the victim is something we Israelis experience every day. Now Americans are getting a taste. It won’t be long before Europe learns that lesson.

In every case, the court looks at the law. In the recent Arizona road blockade, for example, protesters have a right to peaceful protests; but that does not include illegally (criminally) blocking a public roadway. Thus, these were not peaceful protesters, they were petty criminals; some of whom are probably in jail as a result. Ergo, in this instance, Trump supporters were legally correct and stop-Trumpers were petty criminals, breaking the law and depriving Americans of their 1st Amendment Constitutional Right to freedom of speech, both to speak and to hear.

This same criteria defines, in every case, which side is exercising the 1st Amendment Constitutional right to free speech and which side is shutting down the other’s 1st Amendment Constitutional right to free speech.

You can get a quick handle on which side is criminal by identifying whether individuals in the crowd are focused on listening and learning, or the crowd preventing listening and learning, and often inspired by one or more criminals with a police record. Notice, first of all, that “nationalist socialist” translates into German as “Nationalsozialist”; the acronym for which is Nazi; and that Bernie Sanders is a self-confessed socialist and American nationalist. How a Jew transforms into a Nazi is an incredible apostasy.

The following is a list of inciters, most of whom have some police record, and inspire predominantly the offending, criminal, side of the progressive-socialist versus moderate-conservative rivalry:

Any one of the following should be enough for any sane person to shun: Al Sharpton (talking about cops: “Go off the cracker”; 1992 Kean College, NJ; later Obama’s consultant), domestic terrorist Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground, Black Lives Matter (criminal riot-inciting provocateurs intent on depriving Republicans of their 1st Amendment Constitutional rights– and killing cops “Pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon”). These all have close relations with “community organizer” criminal inciter-provocateurs of moveon dot org, rev dot com, Black Panther, Saul Alinsky methodology backed by George Soros; Democrat product of Clinton machine and Obama (mentored by Jeremiah Wright and whose campaign began in the living room of Bill Ayers). All of these track back to the indoctrination into school and university faculties of the socialist manifesto of Goodwin Watson (, who regurgitated the theme of the refugees from Nazi Germany who made their way through South American into the U.S. after WW-II.

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