Freedom Of Speech Dead In Israeli Media Too

For the past few years, one after another of Israeli on-line news media discovered that they always lose when they pit themselves against documented facts, truth or justice. While this has made Israel more aware of our Biblical heritage vis-à-vis post-Biblical assimilations, without exception, one by one, when cornered by historical facts and cold logic,…

Ignorant Rabbinic Racism Cause Of Schism In World Jewry

My response posted 2020.03.16 in Arutz 7 ( While it disqualifies non-Jews, “from among your brothers” did NOT imply “native-born” Israeli in the days of Mosheh and the Erev Rav of the Yetziah. Adding this racist element that contradicts Mosheh and Tanakh (you shall not boil a kid in its mother’s milk) is a recent–racist–reform…

Parashat Pᵊqud•eiꞋ (Just in time)

Belated Purim Sameiakh! Just uploaded next week’s Parashah (begins this coming Motzaei Shabat), finishing Shemot. (You SHOULD BE following each week’s parashah on any Jewish calendar, online or (in late summer) in Jewish bookstores, gift shops and funeral homes. Also edited-in an additional headline in the “Briefing For Parents” for newbies who may not realize…

Beyond “Friedman Station”

Matti Friedman sees Israel with greater clarity than other analysts. Friedman is right—as far as he sees. Yet, he, too, is myopic. To be sure, without going through “Friedman Station” on the “learning curve” toward clarifying today’s Israeli reality, without focusing inside the frame of the Middle East, one sees Israel—and Tanakh—only through the distortion…

The Root Of Innate Jewish Racism

The root of Israeli racism isn’t solely against Ethiopians, nor skin color, nor even Arabs. Israeli racism is Jewish racism on steroids. Even among Ashkenazim seculars, exclusive Jewish genetic chosenness supremacism (EJGCS) grows from a superstitious awe of a core European-Ashkenazi Ultra-Orthodox Khareidim (EAUK) root, which has persecuted, and continues to torment, non-Ashkenazim whom the…

Learned a bit more, added that bit & organized for better clarity.

Glossary definitions relative to relations between kipah, totephet (& tephilin), mitznephet (& talit), migbaat. All definitions accessible from our home screen at by clicking on the appropriate Glossary page. One can search in English or Hebrew for these terms. Enjoy.

Updated NQ Home Screen

I’ve just updated our Home Screen (; 1st screen only; rest unchanged) to be more readily understood by Hebrew speakers, who have difficulty understanding and are getting Borked by the Ultra-Orthodox Khareidim. The English balloons are also more detailed in this same direction. No change in overall message; just clearer and more readily understood by…

Rosh ha-Shanah (New Year)???

Why Do Jews Celebrate Egyptian & Babylonian Autumn New Year (Hebrew: Rosh ha-Shanah) — Assimilated Idolatry From Egyptian & Babylonian Exiles — Instead Of Torah-commanded Yom Tᵊruah (Day of Trumpeting)? Torah commands not to do like they do!(Shᵊm•ōtꞋ 23.24) When based on solid (Tanakh) foundation, stare decisis is vital to ensuring consistency (equality) under the…

Genealogical (Racist) Jews v The “Eirev Rav”

Citation: how to properly cite this article; note academic Chicago Style standard italics, parentheses, commas, periods and quotation marks. Yirmeyahu Ben-David. “Genealogical (Racist) Jews v The ‘Eirev Rav’ ” Israel Jews News. Editor: Yirmeyahu Ben-David. (2018.06.22, The Netzarim, (Date you accessed this Israel Jews News article). The “Eirev Rav” (Shᵊm•ōtꞋ 12.38) For the benefit of…

Perushi(m) / Pharisee(s)

Updated the glossary entry. Slight clarification in connotation (more “parse” than “secede”). Not a big deal but an interesting insight. Shabat Shalom to those doing their best to make Torah their life-practice.

Upload: Parent’s Guide for Children’s Bedtime Bible Story Parashat beShalakh

Parents Guide gives parents the framework and insights to tell their child the Bible story in their own words, adapted to their child’s individual age and progress. This is the most recent upload. I’ll keep working on the remaining parashot as long as haSheim enables me. Donations are appropriate (details in our Finance Ministry pages…

Facebook Censorship

I just sent the following letter to Fb’s discussion forum about their censorship ( Perhaps you may find it worth reading. I’m a Mensan who has been researching the scientific and logical historical and archeological records of early Christianity and Judaism since the late 1950s. What I found is that science, logic and hard evidence…

Masortim (Conservatives) & Orthodox Blame-shifting Again

Blinkered by liberal global socialism, Israel’s popular “secular” tabloid combines with “secular” and Ultra-Orthodox Jews either in their inability to comprehend, or their deliberate obfuscation of, the primary and intractable strayings from ancient Torah that today hamstring “Jews” and “Judaism” both in Israel and around the world: anti-science racism! Both “secular” and Ultra-Orthodox insist on…

Could you talk about the temani relation ship to Netzrim communities. (pb)

(Spelling: m.s. Teimani, m.p. Teimanim, m.s. Netzari, m.p. Netzarim) Because of the forced isolation in Middle East cultures, No•sakhꞋ Tei•mân•iꞋ avoided European influence and assimilation, surviving as the most pristine modern remnant of the Biblical culture and tradition from Har Sin•aiꞋ. Thus, No•sakhꞋ Tei•mân•iꞋ is the paradigm to which Nᵊtzâr•imꞋ refer when seeking to fill…