Former American President Donald John Trump’s Legacy

I’ve written all that anyone needs to continue evaluating ongoing current events in America and its relations with the rest of the world. That information remains valid and I haven’t time nor patience to repeat myself interminably to answer despicable, Kavanaugh-esque, pile-on attempts to recharacterize history in the Trump-canceling slanders of the socialist Leviathan. Events central to Israel and Tanakh-centric Jews require continuing explanation, which remains my priority.

But with our own election approaching (again!), Israel needs to avoid America’s fatal flaw. The recent American election was the result of a long-term legalizing of IDs for, and faux legitimization of, illegal alien non-citizens. (Note that “illegal aliens” are mutually exclusive, and a contradiction, of “immigrant”.) I speak logic so parse carefully. Convoys of non-citizens cayotied into America by human traffickers are both illegal-aliens and non-citizens (non-Americans).

When states like California grant non-citizens legal state IDs that doesn’t make them legal citizens (neither state nor American). It does give them the ability to vote fraudulently (not the right as a citizen to vote). I’ve already documented in a previous article that there are currently some 25-30 million such non-citizen voters in America.

Contrasting the 2021 numbers of voters with those of the 2016 election demonstrates, a priori that it could only have been these fraudulent voters, along with their printings and multiple votings of false ballots, that overflowed all projections of total voters to tip the scales in favor of the Leviathan socialist figurehead. Though many non-citizen voters had legal IDs, that doesn’t make their vote Constitutionally legitimate. It was a fraudulent election because it was decided by (a mix of legal and illegal) non-citizen—foreign—votes.

The kaFIR muFID (“Useful Infidel”) / youYONG de baiCHI (“Useful Idiot”) Gargantuan Tech media of the Leviathan “cancel culture” are swarming on Donald Trump like vultures on a fresh kill. Their objective is to kill the American ideal for which Donald Trump was the Last Stand. And I suspect they have killed it and it’s not coming back.

Nevertheless, it’s imperative to remain faithful to reality and truth. Persian (modern Iran) king Koresh (Hellenized to Cyrus) Jr. “the Great” is the only foreigner called a “messiah” (“anointed”, for some purpose) in TanakhYᵊshayahu 45.1—for merely authorizing the rebuilding of Yᵊhūdâh as one of his semi-independent subjugated Persian Provinces.

Now a word of warning: Don’t get carried away! No Tanakh-centric person worships king Koresh “the Great”—or any other human being. So no exception with Donald Trump.

But it must be noted that, compared to allowing Israel to be a subjugated province of another power, Pres. Trump achieved far greater than that in moving the American Embassy, certifying Yᵊrūsh•a•layim as the Capital of independent modern nation of Israel!!! Israel owes former Pres. Trump commensurate recognition.

Commensurate recognition for Pres. Trump’s courage and love of Israel is also a necessary ingredient of the commitment that will be required of Israel—now—to stand against the Leviathan and its figurehead ourselves!

Pay it forward! Teach your friends!

(Republishing my articles and short quotations from the Netzarim website ( is encouraged as long as proper citation credit is prominently noted to Paqid Yirmeyahu, this blog, and referring further information to

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